jeudi 9 avril 2015
William Brooke O’Shaughnessy (1808-1889) - Thomas Latta (1796-1833) utilisent la perfusion intraveineuse de sérum salé pour le traitement du choléra.
O’Shaugnessy WH. Proposal of a new method of treating the blue epidemic cholera by the injection of highly-oxygenised salts into the venous system. Lancet 1 : 366-371 - 1831.
Latta TA. Relative to the treatment of cholera by the copious injection of aqueous and saline fluids into the veins. Lancet 2 : 274-7 - 1832.
MacGillivray N. Dr Thomas Latta : the father of intravenous infusion therapy. Journal of Infection Prevention 2009 10 : s3